Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Signature

Why is is that the signature defines the person? With the world knowing that signatures define people, numerous ways to leave a mark have been created. A social fingerprint. I have finally created my own in the 17 years that I have been alive. Not too shabby if I do say so myself... I would of had one earlier if the first letter in my name wasn't a N. N's are one of those letters that put a halt to creativity in my world. Along with M's, G's, B's, D's, and E's. Namely, the letter's that I find hard to write in cursive. All those bubbly curves... They're enough to drive a sane person mad!
I have found a loophole in my dilemma though! Instead of having the N stand out, I have made it a side character to which the S in my last name plays the main! This is going to be my game plan for any name I take on in the future. All I have to do is make sure I don't marry or associate with any men with a last name that starts with a B, D, E, G, M or N! Simple right?! Or I can roll up my sleeves, take a calligraphy class and be over my "BDEGMN" woes! But who even holds calligraphy classes now and where do I find them?!?